Value us: public health campaign – sign up to support nurses and midwives

Why you need to get involved?

The NSW public health system is buckling under pressure.

Our nurses and midwives are the lowest paid in Australia, and we’re failing to attract the next generation of recruits.

The state government must fix nurse and midwife pay to ensure the future of public healthcare in NSW before it’s too late.

Fill out the above form to send a strong message to the state government: nurses and midwives must be valued. Help us, help you.

Why is this campaign important?

  • Lowest paid in the country: Entry level NSW nurses and midwives are the lowest paid in the country, making it challenging to attract and retain new talent.
  • Haemorrhaging staff to border states: Nurses and midwives are leaving NSW for better wages and conditions in QLD & VIC, where pay is between 10% to 22% higher. This exodus is leaving our hospitals understaffed and putting patient care at risk.
  • Stagnant wages: In real terms, NSW public sector nurses’ and midwives’ wages are sitting at 2008 levels.
  • Gender pay disparity: This predominately female workforce is paid significantly lower than other male dominated industries in NSW.
  • Lack of work life balance: Nurses and midwives in NSW are not guaranteed two consecutive days off in a row, making it difficult to achieve a healthy work-life balance and contributing to burnout and exhaustion.
  • Insufficient sick leave: Nurses and midwives are at high risk of illness but only receive 10 days of sick leave, which is inadequate for protecting themselves and vulnerable patients.

Your support in calling on the NSW Government to value nurses and midwives is much needed and greatly appreciated.

Join over 80,000 nurses, midwives and carers in NSW by becoming a valued member today.

You’ll automatically become a member of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation