Securing nurses and care workers in aged care

Today, the Hearing for the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation’s (ANMF) and Health Services Union’s (HSU) landmark applications for a 25% increase to award wages for aged care workers commences in the Fair Work Commission. The ANMF makes this application on the basis that the work of aged care workers has never been properly valued […]

Aged care crisis: nurses and care workers feel ‘unseen, unvalued and cast aside’

Overwhelmed, overworked nurses and care workers identified chronic understaffing as the ‘fundamental contributor’ to the crisis in Australia’s nursing homes throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, with many feeling ‘unseen, unvalued and cast aside’, according to the final results of a national survey conducted by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF). The ANMF National Aged Care […]

Poor staffing increases aged care hospitalisations

Inadequate staffing and skill levels have been identified as major contributing factors in avoidable hospital visits by many aged care residents in New South Wales, coupled with lengthy delays in being discharged after a hospital stay. A new report compiled by 11 members of the NSW Aged Care Roundtable (representing medical, clinical, nursing and consumer […]

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