PHS 2015 Award Claim – time to vote

It’s time to confirm your commitment for the ratio and pay claims for 2015. Download or read online the claim in detail: A claim to put patient safety first 2015 PHS branches are voting on this claim until Thursday 30 April 2015.

NSW nurses ‘See Red’ over O’Farrell’s failure to act on patient safety

Many nurses and midwives at NSW public hospitals and community health services will wear something red to work today 1 July to protest against the state Government’s failure to improve and extend safer nurse-to-patient ratios and the disreputable actions of the Premier, who has sent a misleading letter on the issue to some NSWNMA branches […]

No new offer, instead Government acts unilaterally

Today, the Government has moved to impose a 2.25% pay increase with no ratios improvement in a new Award. This is its disrespectful response to your call for a new offer by 30 May. It has applied to the IRC to make a new Award with the pay increase but no improved ratios. NSWNMA will […]

Govt announces change to public sector pay cap

The New South Wales Government announced on 3 May that it will use part of the annual pay increases offered to public sector workers to meet its own superannuation obligations. From 1 July, compulsory employer superannuation contributions will rise from 9 per cent to 9.25 per cent and will rise incrementally each year until they […]

Liverpool and Bankstown hospitals hold launches

NSWNMA members at two of western Sydney’s biggest hospitals – Liverpool and Bankstown – and their nearby community health services today officially launched their local campaigns for a new Public Health System Nurses & Midwives (State) Award. The claim challenges the O’Farrell Government to build on the safer hospital staffing levels introduced in 2011 under […]

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