Coffs Harbour mental health nurses rally to protest staffing shortages

Unsafe staffing conditions at Coffs Harbour Mental Health Inpatient Unit have driven NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) members to hold a lunchtime rally TODAY and close three low dependency beds until staffing shortages are rectified. Private security officers and Assistants in Nursing (AiNs) are being used to replace qualified nursing staff at the facility […]

Workloads win for Coffs mental health nurses

Nursing staff have secured a win over workload issues at Coffs Harbour Community Mental Health. Following a review and weeks of negotiation, Mid North Coast Local Health District (LHD) management agreed to allocate one additional full-time equivalent (FTE) and annual leave relief position within the Extended Care Service team. In April this year, members of […]

Country nurses campaign for a better health deal

A local nurse went to Queanbeyan at the weekend to lobby Nationals MPs for improved health services for regional NSW, reports the Coffs Coast Advocate. Sue White said she and 11 other members of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association were buoyed by discussions with politicians attending the NSW Nationals Annual General Conference. “We were […]

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