NSW Health Minister confirms more privatisations and deserts our elderly

NSW Minister for Health, Jillian Skinner, confirmed there would be more privatisations of hospitals, claimed there was no evidence nursing home residents were better off with a registered nurse and conceded more funding was needed for public services at today’s NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association’s (NSWNMA) 71st Annual Conference in Sydney. During question time, nurses […]

Liberal Government playing games with our health system

This morning, both the Prime Minister and Treasurer revealed last week’s COAG income tax debate was all a strategy to call the states’ bluff. I think what the Prime Minister did last Friday was call their bluff – Treasurer, Scott Morrison Their call for us to raise taxes has no credibility…what that means is that […]

Small financial transactions tax could solve enormous hospital funding crisis

Pressure is mounting on the federal government to provide a long-term strategy to manage the country’s hospital funding crisis after states rejected the government’s latest iteration of tax policy. The delay is forcing NSW public hospitals to consider unsustainable short-term fixes in the meantime, such as private partnerships, to cope with increasing hospital admissions and […]

Abbott Government must restore health funding

In the lead-up to the 2015 Budget, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) is calling on the Abbott Government to restore over $50 billion ripped from the public health system. ANMF Federal Secretary, Lee Thomas, said evidence given to the Senate Select Committee on Health shows how the funding cuts are impacting the quantity […]

Health groups call for leadership in healthcare funding

As a new AIHW report showing declining health spending is released, a wide range of health advocacy organisations have joined together today to call on the Government and Parliament to show leadership in relation to health funding, and ensure that decisions take into account the health of everyone in the community, particularly the most vulnerable. […]

‘NSW Health told to find $3bn in savings’

The New South Wales Health Minister has directed the state’s health department to make more than $3 billion in savings. [ABC News] Jillian Skinner has confirmed local health districts will be required to find $775 million dollars in staff savings under a “labour expense cap”. A further $2.2 billion will be cut from the health […]

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