Wrong again, Mr Ajaka

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has called on the Minister for Disability Services, John Ajaka, to apologise to residents and staff of the Stockton Centre in Newcastle for attempting to use them for political mileage and misleading the NSW Parliament. During question time on Tuesday, Mr Ajaka purported to give an update on […]

No redundancy for disability workers

THE state government does not intend to offer redundancy payments to disability sector workers who decline to move to the private sector under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). By Ian Kirkwood in the Newcastle Herald, 3 March 2014. [NSWNMA public forum on disability privatisation at Newcastle Panthers, Tuesday, March 11, at 6pm. Read more reports on […]

Petition to retain public disability services

Just when federal funding through a National Disability Scheme (NDIS) offers hope of a better life for people with disabilities, the NSW state government proposes to abdicate its responsibility and pull the rug out from under existing ADHC services by privatisation (the biggest privatising of government services in NSW history!) Please sign a petition opposing this […]

NSW Government in rush to privatise disability services

The NSW State Government’s unseemly rush to pass legislation that allows it to start privatising its disability services could actually put at risk real choice and the quality of services offered by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), as well as good secure jobs in the sector, the NSW Nurses and Midwives Association (NSWNMA) said […]

Stockton Centre – stop the games

The MP for Wallsend Sonia Hornery will demand answers from the state Government on the future of the Stockton Centre, with its residents, their families and its employees caught up in a cruel game of uncertainty. Ms Hornery will ask the Minister for Disability Services in Parliament to either confirm or deny whether the Stockton Centre […]

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