Nurses and midwives oppose Trans-Pacific Partnership

NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has joined with nurses, midwives and healthcare workers from across the Pacific, Latin America and North America, to condemn the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal. The NSWNMA and other nursing organisations have signed on to an open letter to trade ministers and government leaders, to highlight the substantial […]

Leaked TISA text highlights risks to health privacy

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has joined the chorus of civil society groups in raising concern over threats to health care rights in Australia, as a result of current Government policies linked to free trade agreements. This follows a second leak of draft text contained in the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA), which […]

TPP not in Australia’s interests say 46 groups

As Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Trade Ministers from 12 Pacific Rim countries meet in Singapore, fair trade, public health, environment, church, unions and other community groups have endorsed a letter to Trade Minister Andrew Robb. The letter calls on the Minister to reject harmful proposals in the TPP, which should not be agreed in secret negotiations. […]

Rally for healthy fair trade

What would you think of a Government that wants to make it easier for foreign-based companies to sue Australia for daring to do things like introduce the plain packaging of cigarettes or ban coal seam gas mining (fracking)? What would you think of a Government that is willing to negotiate away our Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme […]

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