WorkCover guidelines February 2015

Changes to WorkCover guidelines for claiming workers compensation – download here: 2015 – FEB 11- WORKCOVER GUIDELINES FOR CLAIMING COMPENSATION BENEFITS

Workers comp backdown – still more to be done!

The State Government’s backdown on unfair changes to workers’ compensation does not go far enough and should be expanded to include all medical costs as well as restoring full cover for injuries suffered on the way to and from work, according to Unions NSW. The Government has recognised that it went too far when it […]

WorkCover inquiry closes today!

Unions are making submissions to the Parliamentary Inquiry into the functions of WorkCover. Nurses and midwives are encouraged to make a brief submission to the Inquiry by telling a quick story about their experiences with Work Health and Safety, Workers Compensation or dealing with WorkCover. The enquiry closes today (Friday 17 January 2014) and you should […]

Bullying resources

An amendment to the Fair Work Act which passed into law in June 2013 enables the Fair Work Commission to deal with complaints of workplace bullying as from January 1, 2014. [However, much of this could change under the Abbott Liberal Government elected in September 2013.] The following papers from the ACTU, ANMF Victorian Branch and the ACTU’s […]

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