Save our Streets – act to reduce harm from alcohol

Currently in NSW far too many people are affected by alcohol-related harms.

Each year in NSW alcohol causes 50,000 hospitalisations, 15,000 non-domestic assaults, 10,000 domestic assaults and 1,200 deaths.

This is too great a toll for the NSW Government to ignore.

Save our Streets is a campaign calling on the Premier to act now to introduce meaningful changes that will result in reductions in alcohol-related harms.

The NSW Government is currently reviewing the laws relating to alcohol. This is the ideal opportunity for them to make the changes that we know will have an impact.

By emailing the Premier of NSW, we can show him that the community is concerned about the level of alcohol-related harms in NSW and wants meaningful change to reduce these harms.

The link to the campaign is here

Please share the link with your friends and colleagues.

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