2018 NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association Election of Branch Delegates and Alternate Delegates
Pursuant to the Industrial Relations Act, 1996, Mr Neale Dawson will be the Returning Officer for the election of branch delegates and alternate delegates to the Annual Conference and the Committee of Delegates of the New South Wales Nurses and Midwives’ Association.
Nominations in writing are hereby invited on and from 1 January 2018 for the following positions:
Branch delegates and alternate delegates to the Annual Conference and the Committee of Delegates.
Each branch shall be entitled to elect such delegates according to the number of financial members in that branch as at 31 December 2017, as follows: (information as to the number of financial members in each branch is available from each branch secretary, or the New South Wales Nurses and Midwives’ Association, telephone 1300 367 962)
Each branch shall be entitled to elect alternate delegates equal to the delegate entitlement of that branch, provided that a branch shall be entitled to elect at least two alternate delegates.
Note: A person may nominate for one of these positions only.
Candidates for election to the position of branch delegate or alternate delegate are required to be financial members of the Association at the date of opening of nominations 1 January 2018.
A person is not eligible to nominate for, be elected to, or hold any office in the Association, Committee of Delegates or branch thereof if
(i) such person holds any office in any other registered trade union or a like or kindred nature or having objects similar to the objects of the New South Wales Nurses Midwives’ Association other than the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation,
(ii) such person has been, within the period of 2 years immediately preceding the date of nomination or election, dismissed from any office or position in accordance with rule 14 of the Association’s Rules.
Nomination forms may be obtained from the returning officer, Mr Neale Dawson, c/- NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association, 50 O’Dea Avenue, Waterloo 2017 or from NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (telephone 1300 367 962) or from the member only section of the Association’s website (www.nswnma.asn.au).
and has been, within the period of two Neale Dawson, not later than 5pm, February 2018.
Close of nominations
Nominations must be received by the returning officer, Mr Neale Dawson, not later than 5pm on Thursday 15 February, 2018. They may be hand delivered to Returning Officer, Mr Neale Dawson, NEW Law, 50 O’Dea Avenue, Waterloo 2017; scanned and emailed to re**************@ne****.au, faxed to (02) 9662 1463, or posted to Returning Officer, Mr Neale Dawson, PO Box 6373, Alexandria 2015. Nominations received after the time and date specified will not be accepted. Nominations cannot be lodged with the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association.
Any defect in a nomination must be rectified by the candidate prior to the close of nominations. A candidate may only withdraw his/her nomination in writing so as to be received by the returning officer prior to the close of nominations.
Should more than the required number of nominations be received a draw will be conducted to determine the order of candidates’ names on the ballot paper at 50 O’Dea Avenue, Waterloo at 10am, Tuesday 20 February 2018. Candidates or their representatives are invited to witness the draw.
If the election is contested a postal ballot will be conducted. All members of the relevant branch of the New South Wales Nurses and Midwives’ Association financial as at 10am, Tuesday 20 February 2018 and entitled to vote will be sent a ballot paper on Monday 26 February 2018. The ballot will open on Monday 5 March 2018 close at 5pm, Friday 16 March 2018. The method of voting to be observed for this election will be first past the post. Any candidate in a contested election may nominate another person to act as their scrutineer at the counting of the ballot. Candidates should ring the Association to ascertain the date and time of counting.
Members should ensure that the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association has been advised of their current residential address as voting material will be posted to each member’s residential address. Any enquiries concerning this election should be in writing or by fax and be addressed to the the Returning Officer Mr Neale Dawson.