Abbott’s attack on our way of life

It is this simple – last night’s budget is a savage assault to the heart of the Australian way of life. It is government delivering for their big business mates by make life harder for working people.

The fight back starts now and we need you to play a central part. Australian Unions are hitting the airways with new ads that spell out simply and clearly the damage that Tony Abbott is doing to the Australian way of life. You can help make sure that this message gets out by sharing them with your friends and family.

Can we count on you to spread the word by sharing the new ads?

This is the first part of a two-pronged attack on the Australian way of life. Last night was a demolition job on the social wage—Medicare, pensions, hospitals, schools and the welfare safety net—that we spent a century building. In July Tony Abbott will start his attack on pay, conditions and your rights at work. That is why there is no time to waste in getting the message out.

Will you help spread the word about Abbott’s attacks by sharing the ads with family and friends?

Our movement is ready for these attacks. We have the plans in place to fight back. Tony Abbott might have the big donor money and the trappings of power on his side but we have something much more powerful – two million supporters like you who can take our message directly into communities around the country.

We have taken on powerful interests before and won a better life for working people. By standing together and fighting for what truly matters we have the power to beat back Tony Abbott and his radical agenda.

We are committed to winning this fight and look forward to standing with you to defend the Australian way of life.

Yours sincerely,

Ged, Dave and the Australian Unions Team

P.S. For a full report on last night’s budget carnage check out this story from Working Life.

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