ACTU Blue Print For Reform

The ACTU is ready to roll up its sleeves and get to work to help bring about urgently needed government  reforms on critical areas including changes to the tax system to make it fairer for all Australians.

We will work with the government, business and community groups to kick start urgent action to grow the economy, create jobs and lift living standards.

We need reforms that will address the challenges our economy faces: an aging population, technological change, global competition and changes to our labour market including new types of unregulated employment such as the ‘sharing economy’” and rising inequality.

In August the ACTU was part of the initial National Reform Summit. Out of that we released the “Building A Better Future” document to our affiliates. This document builds on the joint recommendations that arose out of that first summit.

These include:

  • Recognising the role governments must play across all sectors of our economy to ensure we generate the jobs, skills and innovation we need to build a better and fairer Australia
  • Address productivity growth in Australia by having a comprehensive industry policy
  • Review the tax system to ensure adequate revenue, including closing tax minimization loop holes for individuals and companies and superannuation tax concessions for the wealth
  • Support and fund research and development in innovation (including renewable energy) that drives Australia’s competiti
  • Urgent action to close our current national infrastructure deficit
  • Government investment in public services to support a productive community and public assets to build economic growth
  • Increase government investment and support for schools, higher education, TAFE and VET including fully funding Gonski recommendation
  • Address climate change including increasing Australia’s current emission reduction target

Download the media release and reform blue print: ACTU Blue Print for Reform

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