Nurses and midwives from the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) Blacktown Hospital branch will meet today to discuss next steps in an ongoing battle with management around understaffing.
A resolution to undertake a two hour stop work meeting was before the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) this week and at the conclusion of yesterday’s proceedings, the NSWNMA and Blacktown Hospital Branch were ordered not to proceed with proposed industrial action today.
The IRC has directed Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD) to further discuss the dispute with the NSWNMA, which will occur as a matter of urgency in the coming weeks.
The NSWNMA Blacktown Hospital branch believe the staffing situation is untenable and, in the meantime, will meet today to vote on further action they will take to resolve concerns around staffing shortages, unfilled vacancies and skills mix issues.
NSWNMA Assistant General Secretary, Judith Kiejda, said nurses were disappointed that management had yet to offer a workable solution that would see management comply with minimum staffing levels.
“It’s unfortunate that it’s come to this point, however, members are determined to ensure that the minimum standards are met,” said Ms Kiejda.
“Continuing to offer hospital services without the level of staff to properly maintain a safe level of care for patients is dangerous.”
Both Ms Kiejda and the NSWNMA Blacktown Hospital branch will address media following the meeting to advise of the outcome and call on the government to commit to a more reliable nurse-to-patient ratio system in all NSW public hospitals.
The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) uncovered 3,178 hours of missed nursing care at Blacktown Hospital from January to October this year.
Download this media release: Blacktown Hospital votes on further action