Bushfires – useful information

We extend our sympathy and support to those members who have lost their homes or been affected by the bushfires.

The NSW Rural Fire Service has a collection of factsheets on responses to bushfires, including Prepare. Act. Survive., What to wear during a bushfire and more.


NSW Police have issued a warning concerning asbestos and fire damaged or destroyed homes. If the home was built before 1987, then it may contain asbestos.

There is also a danger from arsenic resulting from burnt pine treated with ash.

Anyone returning to such houses should take precautions, as outlined in the NSW Police warning.

Federal support

Those affected by the bushfires and deemed eligible can apply for a Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment of $1000 per eligible adult and $400 per child.

The Government has restricted eligibility to people who have been seriously injured, had an immediate Australian family member killed or had their home destroyed or significantly damaged.

[People affected by the Tasmanian bushfires and cyclone this year were additionally eligible for support if they had been cut off from their homes or stranded at their homes for at least 24 hour or had been left without water or electricity for 48 hours or more.]

What the Emergency warnings mean (from the RFS website)

Emergency warning
An Emergency warning is the highest level of bushfire alert.
You may be in danger and need to take action immediately.
Any delay now puts your life at risk.

Watch and act
There is heightened threat level.
Conditions are changing and you need to start taking action now to protect you and your family.

A fire has started. There is no immediate danger. Stay up to date in case the situation changes.

You can get more information from:

Bushfire Information Line: 1800 NSW RFS (1800 679 737)

NSW Rural Fire Service

NSW Rural Fire Service on Facebook

@NSWRFA Twitter

There is also an Apple and Android RFS app for your phone or tablet called Fires Near Me NSW.


The Salvation Army Bushfire Relief Appeal, Red Cross Disaster Relief and Recovery and St Vincent de Paul Society NSW Bushfire Appeal are taking donations to support those affected by the bushfires.

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