Wee Waa Hospital

Nursing Gradstart

  • February 2022 intake
  • 12-month temporary full-time positions only
  • 4 x 3 month rotations within the Mehi Cluster
  • 1-week orientation consisting of five days at Moree with all other program participants from the above facilities, followed by three days local orientation and supernumerary clinical time at Wee Waa
  • Clinical guidance and support at ward level by preceptors
  • Study leave release to attend the planned TPP study days held at Moree
  • Education day monthly in the Mehi Cluster attended by all postgraduates
  • opportunity for continuing employment is highly probable.



Doreen Holm
Career Development Coordinator, Learning and Development Service – Hunter New England Health
Ph.: (02) 4924 6843
Email: do*********@he****.au

Maxine Ambrose
Health Service Manager, Wee Waa District Health Service
Ph: (02) 6795-0400
email: ma************@he****.au

Information retrieved from


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