Tax Justice and Fair Trade workshops

The Association is hosting a series of workshops for delegates who are interested in campaigning for a financial transaction tax in Australia.  These workshops, called Tax Justice and Fair Trade, will also look at how Free Trade negotiations are threatening to undermine public services and our Government’s ability to regulate in the interests of health, education, the environment and financial stability.

The aim of the workshops is to develop ways in which we can campaign together to try and win a fairer society. So if you don’t want to see an increase in the GST, but think that a small tax on the billions of dollars profits made each year by a tiny few is a fair thing, then come along to the workshops.

Workshops are held from 5.30pm on the third Tuesday of every second month (starting on January 21, 2104) and are on the same evenings as the Committee of Delegates. Register your interest by emailing us at bo**@ns****.au

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