Nurses and midwives on Sydney’s North Shore have managed to fend off substantial cuts to their take-home pay following a recent back down by their employer, Ramsay Health Care.
After several weeks of campaigning, members of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) have accepted a decision by Ramsay to continue their existing allowances in perpetuity at North Shore Private Hospital.
Assistant General Secretary of the NSWNMA, Judith Kiejda, said hundreds of nurses and midwives welcomed Ramsay’s capitulation over the pay issues.
“Our members were right to object to Ramsay’s unprecedented proposal to significantly cut their allowances and defend the longstanding loyalty they had extended to the hospital operator,” Ms Kiejda said.
“We hope that Ramsay has learnt a valuable lesson about going after the take-home pay of some the most experienced nurses and midwives – the ones who lead their teams in quality care across a host of specialties.
“This is a significant win for our members at North Shore Private however, we are disappointed we could not secure the same outcome for any new employees to start at the hospital.”
Last month, local management at North Shore Private informed nurses and midwives it intended to reduce a number of allowances that have been in effect since the hospital first opened 17 years ago.
The pay cuts, which would have impacted hundreds of nurses and midwives, were due to come into effect from today (1 September). Local management has now moved to reassure the nurses and midwives that their current allowances and penalty rates will continue at the existing rates.
Late last week Ramsay Health Care, the country largest private hospital operator, reported a 27 per cent rise in its full year profit to $385.6 million.
Download this media release: Win for nurses and midwives in battle over pay