ANMF welcomes budget funding for Health and Aged Care

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) has welcomed the Albanese Government’s funding for health and aged care and cost of living relief in the Budget.

ANMF Federal Secretary Annie Butler said the significant investment is the first-step in fixing the troubled aged care sector, by providing support for staff ratios and other measures which will ensure safe, quality care for older Australians living in nursing homes.

“We commend the Government for recognising the need to prioritise funding for health and aged care in the Budget, particularly during these difficult economic times,” Ms Butler said.

“We welcome funding to improve aged care and increase access to healthcare, including reducing the costs of prescriptions, which will ensure that everyday healthcare is more affordable and accessible for all Australians, when and where they need it.

“The Government’s plan for boosting wages in female-dominated industries, improving gender equity and addressing cost-of-living pressures, will provide a platform to finally commence reforming aged care by recruiting and retaining nurses and workers, so desperately needed across the sector.

“Nurses, midwives and carers will also benefit from increased access to childcare subsidies and the extension of paid parental leave to 26 weeks and more affordable housing for these essential workers.

“Furthermore, funding for a new National Nurse and Midwife Health Service will provide much-needed health and well-being support for frontline nurses and midwives across the country.

“The ANMF and our members look forward to continuing to work collaboratively with Prime Minister Albanese, Ministers Butler and Wells and Assistant Minister Kearney, in delivering sustainable health and aged care services for the benefit of the community.”

ANMF media release authorised by Annie Butler, ANMF Federal Secretary. 1/365 Queen St, Melbourne. 

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