Fed up with staffing issues plaguing Blacktown Hospital, nurses and midwives will gather in their own time TODAY (Thursday 19 July) to highlight the pressures they are under as a result of understaffing and poor skill mix issues across the facility.
The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has uncovered 1250 hours of missed nursing care across 15 wards in Blacktown Hospital during January to June this year. NSWNMA members want assurances from management that staffing shortages on all wards will be met.
Assistant General Secretary of the NSWNMA, Judith Kiejda, said the evidence of nursing hours being withheld from local patients is entirely unacceptable and a clear breach of the minimum care required under the Award.
“It’s very concerning that one of Western Sydney’s major hospitals is jeopardising the delivery of safe patient care,” said Ms Kiejda.
“Nursing and midwifery staff at Blacktown Hospital are nearing breaking point. More admissions during winter means the understaffing has to be addressed now to guarantee patient safety.”
At branch meeting last Thursday (12 July), members passed a resolution outlining their frustrations and demanding action from Blacktown Hospital management. They also agreed to meet today to raise awareness in the local community of the understaffing risking safe patient care.
“Nurses and midwives at Blacktown Hospital know the current system is not working and the only fix is better, more transparent ratios,” said Ms Kiejda.
“Improved ratios will guarantee there are enough nurses and midwives to give patients the best possible care.”
Media are welcome to attend this afternoon where Assistant General Secretary Judith Kiejda will address the branch meeting. A local nurse is available for comment earlier in the day.
WHEN: 3:10pm TODAY, Thursday 19 July 2018
WHAT: Interviews and photo opportunity
WHERE: Grass area outside Blacktown Hospital entrance, near the corner of Blacktown Road and Baronta Street
Download this release: Blacktown nurses demand safer patient care before winter increase