Aged care in desperate need of support from Morrison government

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) is calling on Scott Morrison to increase resources in the aged care sector as a matter of urgency as aged care residents and staff are being placed at significant risk due to a severe lack of preparation by the sector and federal government. NSWNMA Acting General Secretary, Shaye […]

OPWC Aged Care Scholarship

THS SCHOLARSHIP IS NOT CURRENTLY OPEN FOR APPLICATION Enrolled Nurse members of the Association are invited to apply for an OPWC Aged Care Scholarship. The NSW Nurses and Midwives Association is pleased to announce the final round of the Old People’s Welfare Council (OPWC) Scholarships has now opened for application. This scholarship is available to […]

Gloucester aged care nurses face uncertain future

Frustrated members of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) will take to the streets in Gloucester tomorrow to highlight local aged care staffing cuts. It’s been revealed up to five full-time equivalent nursing positions will be lost, when aged care bed licences transfer from Gloucester Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital over to Anglican Care later this […]

Disappointing announcement means no change, no relief for older Australians

ANMF Media Release. 25 November 2019 The Government’s statement today from the Prime Minister and the Ministers for Health, Aged Care and the National Disability Insurance Scheme, in response to the Aged Care Royal Commission Interim Report, is once again a disappointment. It fails to address the real causes, as described by the Report, of […]

Scandalous, but not illegal

The Earle Haven nursing home scandal is outrageous even by the low standards set by Australia’s aged care providers. However, it reflects the sad state of many aged care facilities. On the day the Earle Haven nursing home on Queensland’s Gold Coast suddenly shut down, one registered nurse was rostered on to care for 68 […]

ANMF clarifies misinformation about aged care staff ratios

ANMF Media Release 4 June 2019 Aged care is chronically understaffed. Currently there are no laws which provide for safe minimum levels of care for older Australians. The current system of allowing providers to determine adequate care and staffing has simply failed. That is why we have a Royal Commission into Aged Care.  Occasionally some providers […]

ANMF welcomes new federal shadow cabinet

ANMF Media Release June 3 2019 The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) welcomes the ALP’s new Shadow Ministry, saying the appointments of Chris Bowen, Julie Collins and Ged Kearney in the key health and aged care portfolios, respectively, will provide new opportunities to deliver better care outcomes for all Australians. The ANMF is also […]

ANMF Calls On New Minister To Act Now to Fix The Crisis In Aged Care

ANMF Media Release Monday 27th May, 2019 The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) has welcomed Senator Richard Colbeck into the crucial role of Minister for Aged Care and Senior Australians and has urged him not to wait until the Royal Commission is over to start fixing the crisis in aged care. ANMF Federal Secretary Annie […]

Returning to fairness in medicare and public health

ANMF Media Release: Canberra, Australia. 5 April, 2019. Opposition Leader Bill Shorten’s pledge to restore $2.8 billion to our health system and inject $2.3 billion into Medicare to improve cancer services and reduce out of pocket costs for checks, treatments and medicines will provide much needed relief for our country’s under-resourced public hospitals and increase […]

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