Keeping Bowral and District Hospital PUBLIC!

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has today welcomed reports the Berejiklian Government has capitulated on the privatisation of Bowral and District Hospital. General Secretary of the NSWNMA, Brett Holmes, said the decision was a testament to ten long months of campaigning together with members of the community group, Public Health First, local health […]

Commonsense prevails for Wyong PUBLIC Hospital

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) says ten months of campaigning alongside community members, public health advocates and local health workers has successfully ensured a redeveloped Wyong Hospital will remain in public hands. General Secretary of the NSWNMA, Brett Holmes, welcomed today’s announcement and congratulated NSW Health Minister, Brad Hazzard, for making the only […]

Hospital upgrades promised while calls for better staffing ignored

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has expressed disappointment in the NSW Government for failing to expand nurse-to-patient ratios in today’s state budget. Acting General Secretary of the NSWNMA, Judith Kiejda, said with a $4.5 billion budget surplus, the NSW Government was being irresponsible for not addressing workload issues currently plaguing public hospitals. “When […]

Have a heart, Premier

This Valentine’s Day we’re calling on the new Premier to have a heart and keep disability services public in NSW, alongside the NDIS.

Baird’s privatisation frenzy hits city hospitals

St George Hospital nurses have been advised this afternoon that non-inpatient Renal Dialysis Services will be transferred to a private operator as part of a South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD) ‘business plan’. Nurses have been given less than three months to decide whether they transfer to the new private service provider or be […]

Media release from Health Minister

Here is a media release from Minister for Health Jillian Skinner with news on the Private Public Partnership EOIs for five public hospitals. Download or read online: Health Partnerships update

Reprieve for Bourke St as fight continues for Goulburn Base

Goulburn residents are breathing a sigh of relief after securing a commitment this week from Assistant Minister for Health, Pru Goward, to keep Bourke Street Health Service open. A local campaign, backed by the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA), highlighted community outrage over the decision and lack of consultation with affected staff, oncology and […]

Petitions: keep our hospitals in public hands

We are calling on the NSW Coalition Government to ensure that our hospitals are publicly operated and kept in public hands. Please download the petition for your local hospital and get as many signatures as you can, then mail the signed sheets to: Unions NSW, Level 3 Trades Hall, 4-10 Goulburn Street, Sydney 2000. – Petition […]

Nurses to fight privatisation of NSW hospitals

NSW nurses have resolved to take all necessary actions to conduct a campaign against the privatisation of NSW public hospitals and services. At a NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) delegates meeting last night, branch officials unanimously voted to develop a community awareness campaign, including industrial action and media advertising against the privatisation agenda of […]

Public hospital privatisation a sad day for NSW

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) is appalled at today’s announcement by the NSW Coalition Government to privatise five major regional public hospitals: Maitland, Wyong, Goulburn, Shellharbour and Bowral. The public-private partnerships will directly affect staff, who may not be offered positions at the new hospitals and would have little choice of alternatives in […]

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