PD videos

Videos will expire Monday 15 August 2022 Part 1 Sustain and Retain in 2022: A global overview of nurse supply by Prof. James Buchan MC: Julie McCrossin Part 2 Reflections on the pandemic and how nurses and midwives will ensure their voices are heard as the healthcare system moves forward. Panel discussion with Linda Silas, President, Canadian […]

The Shift with Shaye – 2021 New to Practice Nurse of the Year

On this episode of The Shift with Shaye, NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association Assistant General Secretary, Shaye Candish speaks with the 2021 New to Practice Nurse of the Year, Sonia Kokuru. Have a listen today! NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association · The Shift with Shaye_2021 New to Practice Nurse of the Year

77th Annual Conference – Professional Day agenda

Wednesday 3 August, 9am – 5:00pm, ICC Sydney & online 9am Welcome to Country Introduction from MC Julie McCrossin 9.15am Sustain & Retain: A global overview of nurse supply Professor James BuchanUTS, University of Edinburgh 10.15am Morning tea   10.50am Launch – NSWNMA Education portal   11am Panel discussion:Reflections on the pandemic and how nurses […]

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By subscribing to The Lamp, you will receive nursing and midwifery updates direct to your email every month. Click here to check out all past issues of The Lamp. Want to become a member of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association? Our members in the public, private and aged care sectors have together achieved great gains […]

Support Nurses. Vote for Ratios

Authorised by B.Holmes, General Secretary, New South Wales Nurses and Midwives’ Association, 50 O’Dea Avenue, Waterloo NSW 2017

Open letter to NSW Minister for Health – Ratios for maternity services

The Hon. Brad HazzardMinister for Health NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) midwives at the following hospitals: Royal Prince Alfred (RPAH), Royal North Shore (RNSH), Wollongong, Liverpool, Blacktown, Nepean, John Hunter, Tweed, Lismore and Tamworth are taking action today to urge you to implement mandated ratios in maternity services across all NSW public hospitals. We […]

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