Eurobodalla Hospital confusion sparks call for urgent consultation

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has called on the Berejiklian Government and Southern NSW Local Health District to engage in a thorough consultation process about plans for the new Eurobodalla Hospital.

Limited details about the future of Batemans Bay and Moruya Hospitals has prompted speculation over recent days, causing widespread anxiety and confusion for hospital staff and community members.

NSWNMA Acting General Secretary, Judith Kiejda, said it was vital the government engaged in an open and transparent consultation process with staff and the Batemans Bay, Moruya and Eurobodalla communities to ensure everyone was kept well informed.

“The closure of two public hospitals and merger of these health services into the one new site is always going to generate a lot of valid questions and queries from staff, patients and the communities who rely on the service,” said Ms Kiejda.

“We cannot have a repeat of the debacle that occurred with the redeveloped South East Regional Hospital over at Bega, which was exacerbated by a lack of information being provided to hospital staff and the community.

“The Berejiklian Government and Southern NSW Local Health District have an obligation to these local communities to explain what they are planning and how service delivery will be maintained.

“Leaving staff and the community in the dark until they’re ready to turn the first sod of soil is no way to treat the people of this region. The community and staff need to have a full and comprehensive understanding of what is being planned every step of the way.

“Our members are working around the clock at these local hospitals to deliver the best possible care to their patients. It’s understandable that they’ve started asking about their job security and when consultations will actually begin.”

The NSWNMA has contacted Southern NSW Local Health District to encourage a formal consultation process regarding the new Eurobodalla Hospital site.

Download this release: Hospital confusion sparks call for urgent consultation

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