Effective and Timely Management of the Deteriorating Older Person

Older people with multiple co-morbidities are at greater risk of rapid deterioration resulting in ‘unexpected death’. The Serious Incident Management Scheme (SIRS) has identified ‘Neglect’ and ‘Unexpected death’ as reportable incidents to the Commission. This places us and our organisation at risk, but mostly highlights the importance of early detection and response to a deteriorating […]

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) – Code(s) of Conduct

The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) Code of Conduct for nurses and Code of Conduct for midwives sets out the legal requirements, professional behaviour and conduct expectations for all nurses and midwives. This webinar will provide an understanding of the NMBA Code(s) of Conduct and the principles of professional behaviour that guide safe […]

Ethics in nursing and midwifery practice

Ethical codes are systematic guidelines for shaping ethical behaviour. This webinar discusses how nurses and midwives make ethical decisions in their practice. Nurses are bound by the International Council of Nurses Code of Ethics for nurses. Midwives are bound by the International Confederation of Midwives Code of Ethics for midwives. These documents replace the 2008 […]

CALD Branch Essentials (2-Day Course)

LET’S GET ACTIVE TO TACKLE WORKPLACE BULLYING AND RACISM. Are you interested in knowing more about how your Union can assist in tacking workplace racism? Are you keen to learn new skills to help you and your colleagues achieve workplaces that are culturally safe and supportive? Sign up for this course and learn how to […]

Broken Hill Nursing and Midwifery Education Day

This education day is being rescheduled, new date will be published soon. Join us for this 2-part education day for nurses and midwives: Reducing the Risk around Medications and WHS Consultation and Risk Management Reducing the Risk around Medications Nurses and Midwives will be able to formulate understanding of medications in practice and what as […]

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