The Department of Health and Ageing are pleased to advise of the release of documents relating to the aged care reforms. Internet links are provided for each item for easy access. This information is also available on request by emailing
- The third Submission from the Department of Health and Ageing to the Senate Inquiry on the Living Longer Living Better Bills will shortly be available on the Senate Committee’s web page.
- Updates to the Aged Care Funding Authority’s pages on the Living Longer Living Better website (see ‘Recent updates’):
- Advice to the Minister for Mental Health and Ageing on the outcomes of modelling and analysis undertaken by KPMG for ACFA on the financial impact of aspects of the Living Longer Living Better aged care reforms, and cover letter from the Aged Care Funding Authority’s Chair; and
- Advice from the Aged Care Funding Authority’s Chair to the Minister for Mental Health and Ageing on the equivalence methodology to convert Daily Accommodation Payments to Refundable Accommodation Deposits, and the Minister’s response.
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