Monster climate petition

A monster petition has been started, directed to the House of Representatives requesting bipartisan action for a safe climate future. You are invited to support it, by signing it yourself and encouraging others to do so.

The website is

The Petition reminds politicians that it is “the fundamental duty of parliament to protect Australia’s people, land and seas” and calls on members of the House of Representatives to respect the science and build a safe climate future for our children and grandchildren by enacting immediate and deep reductions to Australia’s carbon emissions.

It is inspired by the suffragette petitions, in particular the 1891 monster petition to the Victorian parliament. The petitions were pasted onto a 260 metre long roll of fabric and carried into parliament on a spindle. This monster petition continues this tradition. It is an inclusive petition, inviting all Australians to stand up and be counted at this crucial moment in humanity’s history.

The lead Petitioner is former Australian of the Year and scientist Dr Fiona Stanley AC and the administrative base is the Victorian Women’s Trust.

The petition has been translated into 7 community languages. We believe this is the first time that a petition to the Australian Parliament has been available in languages other than English.

The House of Representatives requires original pen and ink signatures on paper, which is a challenge in this online age, but anyone can sign. There are no age or citizenship restrictions. The only people who cannot sign are the members of the House of Representatives to whom the petition is addressed.

If you would like to talk, please ring Mary Crooks, 03 9642 0422


or email Judy Brett,



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