No new offer, instead Government acts unilaterally

Today, the Government has moved to impose a 2.25% pay increase with no ratios improvement in a new Award. This is its disrespectful response to your call for a new offer by 30 May.

It has applied to the IRC to make a new Award with the pay increase but no improved ratios. NSWNMA will oppose these unilateral actions.

The Government is hiding behind a bad law of its own making that imposes a cap on  wage increases in the public sector and prohibits any improvement in conditions –  such as ratios – unless equivalent savings are made from your own existing conditions.  The Government’s law and its actions to unilaterally impose a 2.25% wage increase without agreement makes a sham of negotiations and the industrial relations system that has stood NSW in good stead.

This is a move designed to take attention away from the refusal of your claim for safer  patient care.

The Association is acting reasonably and responsibly

Our claim for improving patient safety through improved and extended ratios along  with a modest increase in wages is responsible and reasonable.

The O’Farrell Government has deemed it unworthy of a reasonable and responsible  response.

Nurses and midwives across NSW voted during February to limit your wage claim to  2.5% so that resources could be directed towards improving safe patient care through  improved ratios.

The Association remains resolute in its campaign for better ratios

We will continue to advocate on behalf of patients and our members for these improvements through all avenues available to us including the Award process for as long  as it takes.

The NSWNMA believes improved and extended ratios are key to improving safe patient care.

The ratios won in our 2011 Award campaign are making a difference.

Barry O’Farrell isn’t listening to you

Our claim for better ratios was formulated after a long period of consultation with  members who told us their number one priority was improving and extending ratios  in the public health system.

This priority resonates with the public because people recognise that nurses and  midwives are at the coalface of our public health system and understand what needs to  be done to improve it. The public respects what nurses and midwives have to say about  health.

Unfortunately this cannot be said of Barry O’Farrell and his Government. They are not  listening to what you have to say. They have flatly said ‘No’ to any extension and  improvement in ratios.

Please join your colleagues in actions at MP’s offices tomorrow.  See attached details of the Govt’s response.

No new offer, govt acts unilaterally
Letter from Ministry

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