NSWNMA conference explores changing health in a changing world

Future health concerns, such as affordable quality healthcare, managing violence in healthcare settings, assisted dying and inequality will be among the main issues discussed at the 71st Annual Conference of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) in Sydney from tomorrow.

Among the speakers are Chief Economist at The Australia Institute, Richard Denniss; media personality, Andrew Denton; Deputy Secretary at NSW Health, Karen Crawshaw and NSW Minister for Health, Jillian Skinner.

Over three days guest speakers will join almost 780 nursing and midwifery delegates and members from across NSW at Rosehill Gardens Grand Pavilion to discuss the transformation of Australia’s health environment and ongoing issues workers face.

NSWNMA General Secretary, Brett Holmes, said the conference provided a platform for both nurses and the government to discuss important concerns they have with the future direction of our health sector in a changing world.

“The annual conference gives our 62,000 plus members an opportunity to raise their concerns not just with the Association that represents them but also directly with the NSW Minister for Health,” said Mr Holmes.

“We’re at a real turning point at the moment where we need to seriously consider how to fund and manage a sustainable health sector that can cope with our changing environment. There are a diverse mix of challenges our members are facing, from an extraordinary ageing population moving into aged care and drug-affected violent patients in emergency departments to increasing funding cuts and the privatisation of our health services.”

Mr Holmes said these concerns also covered immediate threats to members, such as unsafe staffing at newly built facilities in regional areas, including Wagga Wagga, Byron Bay, Dubbo and Tamworth, and the recent decision to remove the legislation for registered nurses to be on site at all times in aged care facilities where there are residents with high care needs.

Eleven guest speakers, including a panel discussion and two Q&As, will drive Wednesday’s Professional Day agenda discussions.

On Thursday, the NSW Minister for Health, Jillian Skinner, will address delegates and members, then take questions from the floor on her recent controversial decision to remove the legislation for registered nurses in nursing homes, state health funding, unsafe staffing in our regional hospitals and why NSW does not mandate nurse-to-patient ratios.

During the final day of conference, a number of resolutions from NSWNMA branches across the state will be raised and debated, with the aim for the Association to provide ongoing support for members to find a workable solution.

Mr Holmes said the Conference Professional Day theme Changing Health in a Changing World, gave members an opportunity to broaden their perspective to look at sustainable healthcare solutions.


** Media Alert **

Media are welcome to attend public addresses during the NSWNMA’s 71st Annual Conference in the Grand Pavilion at Rosehill Gardens. Highlights include –



Professional Day, details of various speakers are here

10.45am to 11.20am Richard Denniss – How come a country as rich as Australia can’t afford high quality healthcare?

2.00pm to 3.15pm Karen Crawshaw, PSM Professor Peter Miller and Dr Jacqui Pich – Violence in healthcare settings

4.00pm to 5.00pm Keynote speaker, Andrew Denton – Better off dead



11.00am to 11.45am NSW Minister for Health, Jillian Skinner

2.45pm to 3.15pm Assistant Federal Secretary of the ANMF, Annie Butler


NB: Notices of Motion and General Business items will be closed to media.

You can also follow the Annual Conference via social media, using @nswnma and #NSWNMAConf

Download this media release: NSWNMA conference explores changing health in a changing world

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