The debate on whether to protect the requirement in the Public Health Act 2010 to keep at least one registered nurse (RN) in a nursing home at all times will conclude tomorrow in the NSW upper house.
The bill, introduced by the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party before Easter, will be voted on in an attempt to stop planned changes to state legislation that were announced last year by the then Health Minister, Jillian Skinner.
NSWNMA General Secretary, Brett Holmes said removing registered nurses from the staffing requirement would erode safety measures in place to protect staff and residents.
“Just this week, Federal Aged Care Minister Ken Wyatt, announced a review into the aged care sector’s regulatory systems, yet the state government in NSW is pushing ahead to remove the requirement to have qualified and experienced nursing staff that help ensure safe resident care,” said Mr Holmes.
The sector is in dire straits across the country, with many calling for a complete overhaul of the Aged Care Act. We need to retain the standards in NSW or we risk falling behind and seeing significant downgrades in the quality of care that can be delivered in residential aged care.”
Download this media release: Parliament to vote on aged care staffing bill