Forum on 25 November 2014 at University of NSW, Sydney.
The health of local and global communities is increasingly threatened by climate change, as made clear in the recent Fifth Assessment from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
But governments and the wider community are failing to recognise either the risks to health from failing to act, or the benefits for individual and public health and wellbeing possible from adopting low carbon strategies.
What’s needed to overcome those challenges? What policies are needed? What strategies can be employed to constrain emissions in the absence of government leadership?
This forum will feature expert speakers on climate change and health and related issues.
Speakers include:
Professor Lesley Hughes, Climate Council; 2014 Eureka Prize winner for Promoting Understanding of Australian Science Research
Associate Professor Melissa Haswell, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, UNSW
Professor Mark Diesendorf, Deputy Director, Institute of Environment Studies, UNSW
Professor Peter Sainsbury, Director, Population Health, South-western Sydney Local Health District
Trevor Thomas, Ethinvest
You can dowload the full program from the CAHA website and RSVP here.