Rally against WorkCover

There will be a rally outside WorkCover head office in Gosford on Monday 23 March at 10.30am.

From the Injured Workers Support Network: Why are we rallying against WorkCover?

WorkCover is the head insurer who allows our members and the injured workers of the state to be put through the ringer by the private insurers they hire. At the same time WorkCover is the source of intervention when the insurers screw up. Again it is the Investigator and prosecutor of the insurers if they do something wrong.

WorkCover NSW is responsible for this system in every single way.

Why Gosford?

Spread the word 23

The head office of WorkCover NSW is in Gosford.  We are protesting against the system, that system has a name and a champion in WorkCover NSW.

Why not in front of Parliament?

We’ve been there, We have done that in 2012, in 2013 and in 2014 more recently we were there as part of the 2015 nationwide rally. We know where most of the political parties stand (with us) and we know where the Liberal/National Party stands (not with us). The laws are in place, the damage has been done, but Workcover can make the system better for the injured worker – even if the pollies don’t want them to.

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