Real men wear pink


Recently the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Unions NSW and affiliated unions resolved to work with the union movement to raise funds for research into breast cancer.

The Association is part of this campaign and has set up the NSWNMA Team so we can see how much has been raised by the efforts of nurses and midwives.

Donate here for this important campaign.

We kicked this campaign off at the November Committee of Delegates meeting, where we asked delegates to wear pink.

While this is a serious campaign, it doesn’t mean we can’t have fun while we raise funds for Real Men Wear Pink.

Are you interested in holding a workplace/other Real Men Wear Pink Fundraising event?

RMWP A5 FLYERIf so, once you have decided on your event date/time/venue let Lynne Ridge at the NSWNMA know so she can assist you with the promotion and rollout of your event. Lynne will send you promotional posters and flyers, a lucky door prize and if possible we can attend.

Email Lynne Ridge on


if you would like further information.



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