Ebola crisis: Mr Abbott, we can do more

The country’s largest health union, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF), has welcomed the Abbott Government decision to commit a further $20 million to staffing and supporting a new 100-bed Ebola treatment facility in Sierra Leone. ANMF Federal Secretary, Lee Thomas, described the decision, which followed two months of lobbying the Government by the […]

Government fudges jobs numbers, slashes pay of lowest paid

News reports of the Abbott Government fudging jobs numbers is further evidence that they have no idea how to fulfil their election promise to create one million new jobs, unions say. Coming off the back of revelations buried in more than 50,000 pages of regulations that the Government will slash the take home pay of […]

Abbott Govt reveals agenda

The Abbott Government has begun its attack on ordinary workers by drafting laws that cut taxes for big mining companies but scrap programs, including the Low Income Superannuation Contribution, that benefit low and middle-income workers. The draft of the Minerals Resource Rent Tax Repeal and Other Measures Bill 2013 released yesterday will hurt millions of […]

New government must meet commitment that ‘no worker worse off’

Unions are ready to work with the incoming Coalition government to improve life for working Australians, the ACTU said on Sunday. Australians have voted for a new government but it does not have a mandate to attack workers’ wages, rights or conditions, said ACTU President Ged Kearney. “It should be the goal of every government […]

Abbott to remove guaranteed pay rises for aged care

At Wednesday night’s third election debate, Coalition leader Tony Abbott said the delivery of improved wages for aged care workers should not be achieved through enterprise bargaining and should be put into a “general pool” of aged care funding instead. An enterprise bargaining agreement is the only way to legally guarantee that employers pass the […]

Abbott again demonstrates he is no friend of workers

Tony Abbott’s budget reply reveals an attack on students, workers and the superannuation of low earners – but includes tax cuts for billionaires. His plan for a commission of audit is a carbon copy of the Peter Costello report which was used by Campbell Newman to sack nurses and other public servants in Queensland in […]

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