Global Nurses United on asylum seekers

Nurses from the international community condemn Australia’s appalling treatment of refugees and asylum seekers. Global Nurses United (GNU), representing nurses from 21 countries on every continent, says the Australian Government’s current policy of indefinite detention, which is supported by the major Opposition party, is cruel and inhumane and must stop. It is morally reprehensible that […]

Urgent re-think needed on families in detention policy

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) has expressed its concerns about the future of baby Asha and her family and is calling on both the Turnbull Government and the Opposition to urgently reverse the inhumane policy of keeping children and their families in indefinite detention. Despite baby Asha being discharged from hospital into community […]

PM must show some compassion for baby Asha

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) is standing in solidarity with nurses, doctors and medical staff at the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital in Brisbane who are steadfastly refusing to allow baby Asha to be discharged and returned to Nauru. Condemning the Federal Government’s treatment of asylum seekers in off-shore detention centres, ANMF Federal Secretary […]

AMA forum: The health care of asylum seekers and harms caused by detention

Nurse Alanna Maycock will speak at an AMA forum on Sunday 21 February on the harm caused by Immigration detention, especially to children. The AMA states: Being locked up indefinitely in isolated detention is a form of abuse. It is wrong to leave people seeking asylum in indefinite detention facilities that lack proper health care, where […]

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