Abbott diagnoses poor health outcomes for NSW

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has criticised the Abbott Government for failing to recognise the adverse impact further cuts to health funding in the 2015-16 Budget will have on public health outcomes and the broader health workforce. Following devastating cuts to state health funding in the 2014-15 federal Budget, General Secretary of the […]

Budget cuts hurt nurses, midwives and patients

Australia’s largest health union, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) has warned that more than $2 billion slashed from the health and aged care budgets will ultimately decrease access to health care and lead to poorer patient outcomes. Last Federal Budget saw an unacceptably high $57 billion taken from the public health system and […]

Paid parental leave: more questions than answers

Up to 100,000 nurses and midwives could lose access to publicly-funded paid parental leave (PPL) if drastic cuts to the scheme go ahead as a result of this year’s Budget, according to the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF). Federal Secretary Lee Thomas warned the Government’s slashing of PPL was contrary to expert advice showing […]

Health groups left in dark on Budget cuts

Health groups have been left scrambling after the federal budget revealed plans to cut nearly $2 billion from the health system, but gave little detail about which programs would be cut, reports the Sydney Morning Herald. Fairfax Media understands many of the groups who had travelled to Canberra for the budget  announcement were furious about the lack of […]

Budget fail – no jobs, no growth, no opportunity

If the Abbott Government’s plan to create jobs is a $5 billion dollar company tax cut – then it has no plans for jobs, says the ACTU. The government has made the $5.5 billion Jobs and Small Business Package the centrepiece of the federal budget – yet $5 billion of that package is a tax […]

Cuts to family support compromise childcare package

Australian Unions have long called for an increase in childcare assistance and funding but it should not come at the expense of overall support to families. The Abbott Government is forcing an impossible choice upon Australian families by linking new investment in childcare with extreme cuts to paid parental leave and family support payments. In […]

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