Pioneering strategy to protect health of Australians from climate change

Today’s launch of the innovative new Framework for a National Strategy on Climate, Health and Well-being by a coalition of leading health organisations presents a unique opportunity for Australian policymakers to take meaningful action to mitigate the damage climate change will cause to public health. The Climate and Health Alliance, a coalition of major health […]

Health experts call for national strategy on climate change

A new report released today following an extensive national consultation with health and medical groups stakeholders has revealed deep concerns about federal government inaction on climate change. There is overwhelming support for national action to promote health and welfare of all Australians in the face of increased climate risks. This report details the outcomes from consultation […]

Australia’s health leaders tackle climate change at Parliament

Representatives from Australia’s leading health and medical groups met in Canberra on Monday to call on politicians to take immediate steps to protect the health of Australians from the impacts of climate change. A nation-wide consultation has revealed deep concern within the health sector that there is currently no national health plan to deal with […]

Australians critically vulnerable to climate change: health experts warn

Leading health experts say Australia’s health system is unprepared for the impacts of climate change, leaving communities unnecessarily exposed. In a national first, the Climate and Health Alliance surveyed more than 130 peak health bodies, unions and health professionals – including doctors, nurses, midwives, public health practitioners and psychologists – to evaluate the sector’s preparedness for the impacts of […]

Major parties fail to protect Australia from climate change health impacts

Most political parties in Australia do not have a clear commitment to tackling the risks of climate change on health and wellbeing, recent polling and policy analysis shows. The Climate and Health Alliance (CAHA) has today released a scorecard rating the policies of Australia’s main political parties on climate change and health. The results show […]

How will politicians protect us from health impacts of climate change?

Doctors, nurses and allied health professionals are among the health professionals demanding all political parties explain how they plan to protect the health and well-being of all Australians under worsening climate change. Their responses will be compared on a scorecard that will be distributed to thousands of voting health professionals across Australia. Surveys from the […]

The case for health to divest from fossil fuels

The Climate and Health Alliance and Doctors for the Environment Australia have launched a new joint report: Investing in Health, on the case for the health sector to divest from fossil fuels. The report is available here. Written by Dr Nick Watts, the lead author of the landmark Health and Climate Commission published by The Lancet […]

Job: Global Green and Health Hospitals Network

The Climate and Health Alliance is looking for a dynamic individual to help drive the low carbon transformation in the health sector as project officer coordinating the Pacific region of the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals network. It’s two days/week, location negotiable (in Aust/NZ). There is a strong possibility, for a successful and high performing appointee, that the contract […]

Health groups call for emissions cuts, no new coalmines, coal power closure

Australia’s post 2020 CO2 emissions reduction targets should cut emissions ‘as quickly as possible’, the Climate and Health Alliance has said in its submission to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet UNFCCC taskforce. The alliance of 28 health sector stakeholders has set out a schedule for emissions cuts that would see Australia reach zero […]

Evidence on negative health impacts from coal overwhelming

The suggestion by the NSW Minerals Council today that there is no evidence of harm from coal pollution is ludicrous, the Climate and Health Alliance (CAHA) said today. “In fact there is a huge body of evidence in the peer reviewed scientific literature that shows the toll from coal on a broad range of negative health impacts, including from […]

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