HNE Board turns its back on Tamworth nurses and midwives

Nurses and midwives forced to juggle increased workloads, regular overtime and chronic under-staffing at Tamworth Rural Referral Hospital have been dealt another major blow. The Hunter New England Local Health District (HNE LHD) Board, made up of 12 senior clinicians and business representatives from across the region, has refused to intervene in the ongoing staffing […]

Alarm over patient safety crisis at Tamworth

Tamworth Hospital Branch of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) will hold an extraordinary Branch meeting tomorrow, Thursday 27 August, over serious workload issues impacting the emergency department and maternity services at Tamworth Rural Referral Hospital. Branch members will discuss Hunter New England Local Health District (HNE LHD) management’s refusal to implement a recommendation […]

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