Nurses and midwives join global solidarity march

Attacks on penalty rates, encroaching hospital privatisations and more health funding cuts will prompt members of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) to join in May Day marches and activities this week. General Secretary of the NSWNMA, Brett Holmes, said this year’s theme ‘fighting inequality’ would focus on workers’ rights and the ongoing pursuit […]

Nurses and midwives honour May Day tradition

Hundreds of nurses and midwives will take to the streets in Sydney’s CBD and throughout regional centres this weekend as part of the annual May Day celebrations. Recognising the international day of worker solidarity, members of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) will join with other public sector workers, families and friends to reflect […]

Join us for May Day 2015

Join us for the 2015 May Day rally, in Sydney on Sunday 3 May, 11am, Town Hall Square. We will later parade to Belmont Park near Central. RSVP here! Let’s stand up for penalty rates, Medicare, public service and quality education for nurses. Bring the kids, your friends and colleagues and most importantly please wear your […]

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