Concerns remain for nurses and midwives’ penalty rates

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) fears the battle for penalty rates and attacks on the minimum wage are far from over, following today’s release of the Productivity Commission’s draft report into workplace relations. Despite recommending penalty rates be maintained for essential services, alarmingly, the Productivity Commission has failed to identify whether nurses employed […]

Productivity Commission report attacks penalty rates, minimum wage, rights at work

Unions have always said the Productivity Commission Inquiry was called by the Abbott Government in order to cut penalty rates, the minimum wage and rights at work – the interim report released today confirms that. The report calls for a two-tiered workplace system with Sunday penalty rates to be cut for workers in hospitality, entertainment […]

July 1 boost for workers bought to you by Australian unions

1.5 million Australian workers will see an $18.70 boost in their pay packets this week and around 8.4 million workers will see their superannuation contributions increase to 9.5% – all hard fought for by Australian workers and their Unions. “Hardworking Australians deserve decent wages when they’re working and security in retirement,” ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver […]

Cruel Federal Budget and savage cuts to minimum wage target lowpaid

The Abbott Government is engaging in a sustained attack on Australia’s lowest paid workers which will see their living standards crushed. Speaking at a rally in Adelaide today, ACTU President Ged Kearney said that combined with the cruel and unfair Federal budget that disproportionately affects low income earners, the Abbott Government is also considering a […]

Minimum wage workers $136 per week worse off under Audit

Australia’s minimum wage will be reduced to 44% of average weekly earnings, wiping off $136 per week in today’s dollars, if the Commission of Audit recommendations are accepted by the Government. ACTU President Ged Kearney said this radical move represented the biggest attack on Australian wages since the Great Depression. “Tony Abbott asked the head […]

$27 minimum wage increase needed now

A $27 wage rise per week for our lowest paid workers is essential if Australia is to avoid creating an underclass of working poor, unions say. ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said that new research contained within the ACTU submission to the Fair Work Commission’s Annual Wage Review shows that if action isn’t taken to increase the […]

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