Reforms to empower nurse practitioners and endorsed midwives

From this Friday, November 1, landmark laws come into effect across Australia, removing barriers, which for too long, prevented nurse practitioners (NPs) and endorsed midwives from prescribing medicines under the PBS and providing services under Medicare because of the outdated requirement for a ‘collaborative arrangement’ with a medical practitioner. The Federal Secretary of the Australian […]

Nurse Practitioners, Midwives empowered to provide quality care

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) has commended the Albanese Government for introducing new laws which will give highly-trained nurse practitioners (NPs) and midwives greater capacity to provide people with safe, quality care – without the need to visit a GP or a hospital emergency department (ED). This morning, Assistant Minister for Health and […]

NSW seeks dignified pathway towards assisted dying

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) welcomes the introduction of a draft bill to the NSW parliament today, which aims to give those suffering from terminal and incurable illnesses the ability to die with dignity. NSWNMA General Secretary, Brett Holmes, said nurses and midwives had expressed support for a compassionate law to be introduced […]

Calls for nurse practitioners to be utilised in COVID vaccination roll-out

A coalition of peak nursing organisations is calling on National Cabinet today to include Australia’s highly-skilled nursing practitioner (NP) workforce in the COVID vaccination roll-out. Nurses deliver the majority of vaccines in Australia and NPs are the most highly skilled and educated nurses in the clinical nursing workforce. NPs have the qualifications and expertise to […]

Valuable recognition for Nurse Practitioners

No two days are ever the same for a nurse practitioner, also widely considered as a key highlight of the broader nursing profession. Today, the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has paused to acknowledge National Nurse Practitioner Day, in conjunction with the Australian College of Nurse Practitioners. The first two nurse practitioners to be […]

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