Desperate nurse managers vote to strike in Western NSW

With grave fears for patient safety, senior nurse managers across several health facilities in Western NSW will take the unprecedented step of stop work action for two hours TOMORROW (Tuesday), sounding an alarm about the dire state of rural and regional health. Unable to fill rising nurse vacancies and critical gaps in current rosters, members […]

ED staff demand Premier fix Westmead Hospital issues

An open letter has been sent to the NSW Premier and the Health Minister calling for urgent action to address what clinicians have described as ‘chronic understaffing’ and ‘access block’ inside Westmead Hospital’s emergency department (ED). Signed by over 200 emergency department nurses, registrars, senior medical officers, administration, orderlies and security guards, the open letter […]

Patient safety buckles inside Westmead’s busy ED

With Christmas and New Year festivities on the doorstep, members of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) Westmead Hospital branch have raised grave fears for safe patient care inside their hospital’s overstretched emergency department. For months, Westmead Hospital’s emergency department has struggled under crippling admission rates, compounded by a compact layout, prompting increasingly unsafe […]

Abuse of nurses and midwives on the rise in NSW

Verbal abuse, physical violence, sexual harassment and even death threats are common occurrences in the daily lives of many nurses and midwives working throughout New South Wales. A recent survey of more than 3,500 members of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) found almost one in two nurses and midwives had firsthand experience of […]

Lismore mental health nurses take action over staffing cuts

Lismore Mental Health Branch of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has confirmed it will be forced to close beds from next week, due to major concerns over patient and staff safety following planned cuts to clinical nursing staff levels. During a mid-week meeting, Branch members unanimously passed a resolution to commence the bed […]

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