ACTU: Pregnancy discrimination highlights need for changes to workplace laws

The Human Rights Commission’s report into pregnancy and return to work highlights the need for the Government to strengthen workplace laws to stop discrimination against women at work. “The ACTU and unions requested this review because growing numbers of our members tell us they are being discriminated against at work during pregnancy, when they return […]

Employer discrimination shame – new survey

Unions say a shocking new survey proves more regulation is required to protect families as employers cannot be trusted not to discriminate. The Australian Human Rights Commission report, ‘National Review on Discrimination Related to Pregnancy, Parental Leave and Return to Work’, found discrimination around pregnancy and return to work is much worse than previously thought. […]

Pregnancy discrimination is top workplace complaint

Workers who have experienced discrimination while pregnant or when they have returned to work after having a baby are being urged to tell their stories to a national inquiry. This comes as the Fair Work Ombudsman reveals that 28 percent of complaints it received were from women who were treated poorly by employers because of […]

National review on pregnancy discrimination

The Australian Human Rights Commission is conducting a national review of discrimination in relation to pregnancy at work and return to work after parental leave. The Commission views this as an ongoing issue and the review will look at the nature, prevalence and consequences of such discrimination. The Commission receives a significant number of complaints in this […]

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