Government attempts to justify assault on penalty rates

The release of the Trade Union Royal Commission’s final report, just days after the Productivity Commission’s workplace relations review, is further evidence that the Royal Commission has been used by the Coalition Government to pursue its own political ends. This Royal Commission was a political exercise from the start. The Coalition Government will attempt to […]

Millions goes into political inquiry while health stays in firing line

With health, education, childcare and pensions still in the Budget firing line, the Abbott Government’s multimillion dollar tax payer funded political inquiry returned today with further proof that it’s nothing more than a witch hunt. The Royal Commission has reportedly so far spent more than $50 million including lawyers’ fees in excess of $17 million. […]

Royal Commission extension a political fix, says ACTU

The nakedly political decision by the Abbott Government to extend the Trade Union Royal Commission by 12 months is based on their election timetable, ACTU Assistant Secretary Tim Lyons said today. “The Royal Commissioner has explicitly said that he can complete the inquiry two weeks ahead of the original deadline, that he can make findings […]

Royal Commission is political point-scoring

The Royal Commission shows this is a Government only interested in political point-scoring, not in Australian workers and their jobs. The terms of reference of the Royal Commission announced today by the Abbott Government confirm it is a politically-motivated witch-hunt designed to weaken unions, says the ACTU. ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said the terms of […]

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