Submission from NSWNMA to Australian Law Reform Inquiry into Elder Abuse

As part of our preparations for this submission we consulted our members and the community through a survey and a national aged care telephone dial-in. Their testimonials and responses are included in this document and serve to highlight the frontline issues affecting the aged care workforce and recipients of aged care services. This followed an […]

Willing to Work age discrimination inquiry

The NSWNMA submission to the National Inquiry into Employment Discrimination Against Older Australians and Australians with Disability, based on mature members’ experiences and perception of age discrimination at work, is now online: Willing to Work submission Thank you to all members who responded for your valuable contribution to this important inquiry. Here is the report on outcomes of […]

Submission: childcare and early childhood learning

Unions NSW submission to the Productivity Commission inquiry into Childcare and Early Childhood Learning. Further information about the inquiry can be found here: Download the Unions NSW Submission – Childcare

Submission: unpaid work for young people

Unions NSW submission to the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into Volunteering and Unpaid Work Placements Among Children and Young People in NSW. Download the submission: Unions NSW – Unpaid Work Placements  

Submission on superannuation

Unions NSW submission to the Federal Government on the Discussion Paper titled ‘Better regulation and governance, enhanced transparency and improved competition in superannuation’.   Donwload the Superannuation submission.

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