Value nurses at the San!

A NSWNMA negotiation team met with SAN nurses on 18 June 2013 to consider the employer’s latest offer for a new EBA. Nurses at the meeting rejected the offer and voted for three conditions to make a new agreement acceptable.

Nurses’ three sticking points are:

  1. Fair pay with similar employers  The pay offer of 3% a year is still too low.
    AHCL nurses are tired of working just as hard, but being paid less, than nurses working for hospitals such as The Mater and St Vincent’s.
  2. Protection of Salary Sacrifice in the EBA
    Nurses have asked the employer to guarantee salary sacrifice benefits in the EBA – this is at no extra cost to the employer. AHCL has declined to do so without reason.  The agreements covering Mater and St Vincent’s nurses protect their salary sacrifice benefits.
  3. Paid Compulsory Professional Development
    In the negotiations the employer agreed to the NSWNMA claim for paid time and support for all compulsory clinical competencies and mandatory training. However, the words that management drafted for the new agreement only guarantee paid time for mandatory training i.e. fire awareness, emergency evacuation, infection prevention and control.

AHCL nurses stand together for your rights at work  

If you are not already a member, then join today with your colleagues in your NSWNMA, keep informed and participate in our community campaign to show your employer it’s time to value your care and work.


A community petition calling on the employer Adventist Healthcare to value its nurses can be downloaded below.


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