Where do the parties stand on health?

Where the parties stand on Liberal/National Greens Labor
Public Health Funding negative $57 billion taken out of public hospital growth funding in its first budget under Tony Abbott. positive Promised to reverse the
$57 billion health funding cuts from the 2014 budget.
positive Will restore the 50% growth funding agreement with states and territories by contributing $4.9 billion to public health over the next 4 years. Has also committed $100 million to primary care over the next 2 years.
positive $2.9 billion in funding put back in 2016 budget for next 4 years.

Medicare negative Cut $650 million from bulk-billing incentives for diagnostic imaging and pathology services. positive Will vote in the Senate to disallow regulations that reduce bulk-billing incentives for diagnostic imaging and pathology. positive Will legislate to protect Medicare.

Penalty Rates negative Commissioned a Productivity Commission Inquiry that recommended reducing Sunday penalty rates. positive Oppose any attempt to cut weekend penalty rates. positive Oppose any attempt to cut weekend
penalty rates.

Aged care negative Cut $1.2 billion in aged care
funding in the 2016 budget.
positive Want to improve wages and access to training and career development for those working in aged care. positive Promise a comprehensive review of the
aged care workforce including consultation with health professionals.

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