Scholarships and subsidies
Education and research scholarships and subsidies are available to nurses and midwives through the Association and other nursing bodies.
The following scholarships are administered by the NSWNMA.

Roz Norman Scholarship
Roz Norman was an outstanding activist, branch official and Councillor of the NSWNMA and ANMF. In honour of her outstanding contributions, the Roz Norman Scholarship was created to further humanitarian,…
Edith Cavell Scholarship
Applications for the Edith Cavell Trust Scholarship open annually on 1 May. Only Members of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) are eligible to apply.
Lions Nurses’ Scholarship
Lions Nurses Scholarships open for application on 1 August and close on 31 October each year*. These are available to any eligible registered nurse or enrolled nurse.
The following scholarships are not administered by the NSWNMA. Follow the links to find out more about each one and if you have any queries regarding these, contact the administering organisation.
- NSW Health Nursing and Midwifery Scholarship Fund
- NSW Health Tertiary Health Study Subsidies
- NSW RDN Health Workforce Scholarship Program
- Bush Bursaries and Country Women’s Association Scholarships (for nursing and midwifery students)
- NSW RDN Outreach Student Placement Program (for nursing and midwifery students)
- NSW RDN Go Rural Scholarships (Rural Career Experiences for University Students)
- The Australian College of Nursing Scholarship Information
- Bonnie Boezeman AO Leadership in Nursing Scholarship
- Public Education Foundation Scholarships
- Australian Veterans’ Children Assistance Trust Scholarships
- Joan Hardy Scholarship for post-graduate nursing research
- Australian Government Study Australia
- Women and Leadership Australia – Healthcare Sector Women’s Leadership Scholarship