Health care and the economy seminar

The NSWNMA will present a free seminar on health care and the economy in Waterloo on Thursday 23 April. The day will look at economic threats to public health care and examine what is meant by sustainability. RSVP here. Download: Healthcare and the Economy

NSWNMA Robin Hood Tax tour to the G20 begins in Wollongong

Local residents, community organisations and union groups gathered at Wollongong’s City Diggers this evening to discuss tax reforms that could be implemented by government to stop the privatisation of public health care services and the dismantling of Medicare. Part of a community awareness campaign run by the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA), in conjunction […]

The Robin Hood tax and the G20

The G20 is coming to Brisbane in November and the NSWNMA is going to the G20 with our proposal for a Robin Hood tax in Australia to fund vital public services, like health. Download our booklet: Bring the Robin Hood tax to Australia. Along the way we’re stopping off in several regional centres to discuss the […]

Act for fair trade at G20 Trade Ministers meeting

If we hope to win the fight against privatisation, then we’ll need to defeat the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) and if we want to keep access to cheap medicines we need to stop the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). We’re holding a bit of street theatre to help raise awareness – come watch the fun! […]

Fair deal or no deal – Sutherland forum

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association has been asked to speak at a local forum in Sutherland on 29 April. We’ll be speaking about the threatened increase to the cost of medicines in Australia. This threat comes from attempts by US pharmaceutical companies seeking that we change our Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. This is yet another attack […]

Rally this Sunday for tax justice

Why: Finance Ministers and Central Bank Managers from around the world are meeting in Sydney. At their meeting they’ll be preparing for the big G20 meeting of World Leaders in Brisbane later this year. They’ll be talking about the direction world finances should be taking into the future. The Australian Federal Government is exploring a rise in […]

Tax Justice and Fair Trade workshops

The Association is hosting a series of workshops for delegates who are interested in campaigning for a financial transaction tax in Australia.  These workshops, called Tax Justice and Fair Trade, will also look at how Free Trade negotiations are threatening to undermine public services and our Government’s ability to regulate in the interests of health, […]

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