Calling all members who are or have been Enrolled nurses –help stop TAFE cuts by writing a submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Vocational Education and Training in NSW.
Submissions to the inquiry closed on Friday 14 August.
This inquiry is crucial to the nursing workforce. Please make a submission about why TAFE is important to you. It doesn’t have to be lengthy or formal – you can tell your own story.
Take a look at the terms of reference for the Inquiry (on page 2): NSW Inquiry factsheet.
Some key perspectives you can bring to the Inquiry (write about how any of these apply in your own case in your submission):
- Many nurses begin their education in the TAFE system. TAFE is essential for the development of our future nursing and midwifery workforce.
- Many Assistants in Nursing (AiNs)and Enrolled Nurses (ENs) have pursued further education to become Registered Nurses (RNs) and Registered Midwives (RMs)through the TAFE system.
- TAFE provides the skills and knowledge for enrolled nursing students to progress up to tertiary education levels.
- TAFE provides access to a nursing or midwifery job for mature aged persons.
- TAFE also provides access to a nursing or midwifery job for people in rural and remote locations.
- TAFE provides nursing employment and career pathways for those who may not wish to enter university as their first choice or who may not be able to access university education.
- TAFE provides a competent and proficient practitioner to meet industry needs.