World Elder Abuse Awareness Day highlights mistreatment of elderly Australians

ANMF Media Release 15 June 2018 Today’s World Elder Abuse Awareness Day marks a day when people come together to voice their opposition to the abuse and suffering that is inflicted on older people around the globe, and to highlight the need for appropriate action. Elder Abuse is any act which causes harm to an […]

ALP supports more nurses in aged care

The country’s largest union, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF), welcomes Opposition Leader Bill Shorten’s public acknowledgement of the urgent need for improved levels of nursing staff in the under-resourced aged care sector. Interviewed on the ABC’s 7.30 last night, which followed two previous reports highlighting the “shocking” mistreatment of vulnerable residents at a […]

Inquiry recommends min nursing requirement in aged care

The wide-ranging recommendations of a Senate Inquiry into Australia’s under-resourced aged care workforce should finally be enough for the Federal Government to take urgent action to introduce minimum nurse and staffing requirements in nursing homes, according to the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF). Federal Secretary Lee Thomas said the ANMF was pleased the Committee […]

Poor staffing results in abuse of elderly

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) says it’s time for the Government to fix the crisis in aged care, in the wake of a new damning report which contains disturbing evidence showing how the lack of minimum staffing regulations and appropriate skills mix has resulted in the abuse of elderly, vulnerable nursing home patients. […]

ANMF saddenned by death of Australian nurse in London attack

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) has expressed its sympathy over the tragic death of South Australian nurse Kirsty Boden – one of seven victims of the London terrorist attack on the weekend. Acting Federal Secretary Annie Butler said the ANMF and its members were today paying tribute to Kirsty for her extreme act […]

FWC ruling not enough to close wages gap

Today’s Fair Work Commission ruling to grant a 3.3 per cent increase in the minimum wage for Australia’s low-paid workers will do “precious little” to help nursing, midwifery and care staff on the national Nurses Award 2010 keep up with the rising cost of living, according to the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF). The […]

Understaffing in nursing homes linked to preventable deaths

New research showing that the number of deaths in nursing homes from preventable causes has increased by 400 per cent over the last 13 years again highlights the urgent need for mandated nurse and carer to patient ratios, according to the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF). The research, collated from the Coronial investigations into […]

Member benefit: free and reduced online CPD

Members of the NSWNMA, who are automatically members of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation, can access courses on the ANMF CPD website for a much reduced rate of $7.70 per topic, compared to $30 for non-members. There are also many free courses on the recently revamped site. It covers a host of subjects from […]

Senators should reject sneaky cuts to Paid Parental Leave

The country’s largest union, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF), is urging the Nick Xenophon Team and other cross-benchers to reject the Turnbull Government’s latest underhand attempt at cutting paid parental leave (PPL) for working families. ANMF Acting Federal Secretary Annie Butler said the cruel cuts, contained in the Omnibus Bill ripping billions of […]

Note to new Minister: Listen to nurses and midwives

The country’s largest health union, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) says new Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt must listen to nurses and midwives if the Government has any chance of addressing the many issues impacting the health and aged care sectors and the delivery of quality care. The ANMF says Minister Hunt’s first […]

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